Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June 27th update

today, baby brother anmol is 5 days old. he is up 5-6 times at nite. dada says he is on australian time-awake during the nite and sleeping during the day. he calls him chhote lal. my summer holidays start on friday, and tomorrow is graduation day. i will be going to grade 1 in the fall. i can teach anmol a lot of things. dada is getting me a new computer. maybe i will let anmol play with it when he grows up. see you later alligator. aman bhai!

see the pictures and videos link below.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The first 48 hours

helo to my friends n family,

2day i am very happy. my baby brother anmol came home 4 the 1st time. he wuz born jun 22 at 10.56pm, weighed 8lb 3oz and was 23 in tall. mama and anmol r well. mama sayz anmol loves aman bhai. anmol did chhee chhee 5 minutes after being born. he eats, sleeps, poops, cries, and eats, sleeps, poops, cries some more. more baby blogs later. ttfn (ta ta for now). aman bhai!

see the pictures and videos link below.