Today I am very happy. My brother Anmol smiled for the first time. I can hardly wait till he is all grown up and ready to play with me.
I had lots of fun during the long weekend. I went to Centre Island with Shairose and Mo. I also went to Lakeview park. I have a new Daisy player that reads me lots of stories. When Anmol is older, I will read him stories too.
Sorry for not posting for so long. A lot of things happened in July. We bought a new house. Anmol will have his own room in the new house. Dada also said that he will build Anmol and me a playroom where we can all our time playing together. I am excited, and already remember the number of our new home - 1044. We hope to move in September. TTFN,
Saturday, July 7, 2007
uncle mo, his mama (duru dadhi) and his dada came over on july 01st. uncle mo stayed for 2 days. we had lots of fun.
i ask a lot of questions-what is this? where is that? what time is it? dada says he loves it when i ask many questions. this morning we read the newspaper together.
no new news on anmol-the usual eating, sleeping, pooping, and crying. he keeps us all busy night and day. dada calls him high maintenance. there is a cute video of anmol smiling, see link below.
aman deep singh
happy summer holidays,
i graduated from kindergarten on june 29th. we sang our graduation song 'in a house, in a home'. its my favourite song and i sing it all day. my summer holidays have started. i will miss my friends but then i love summer, and i will be spending time with my new baby brother anmol.
today, baby brother anmol is 5 days old. he is up 5-6 times at nite. dada says he is on australian time-awake during the nite and sleeping during the day. he calls him chhote lal. my summer holidays start on friday, and tomorrow is graduation day. i will be going to grade 1 in the fall. i can teach anmol a lot of things. dada is getting me a new computer. maybe i will let anmol play with it when he grows up. see you later alligator. aman bhai!
2day i am very happy. my baby brother anmol came home 4 the 1st time. he wuz born jun 22 at 10.56pm, weighed 8lb 3oz and was 23 in tall. mama and anmol r well. mama sayz anmol loves aman bhai. anmol did chhee chhee 5 minutes after being born. he eats, sleeps, poops, cries, and eats, sleeps, poops, cries some more. more baby blogs later. ttfn (ta ta for now). aman bhai!